Vaše vzkazy / Your messages

Thank for jour beautiful play un St Jean du Gard

Chridtine 1.7.2018 10:08

Ještě jeden dík za dnešní skvělý koncert ve Zdoňově. Chvílemi jsem byl plně ponořený do podvědomí a vše bylo opět posvátné. Nashledanou na Výpravě a ať Ti to stále hraje! Ondřej

Ondřej Straka 22.6.2018 23:49

Ciao Ondrej

I love your music. Am a didje player and crafter.

I am recently painting and playing with didje . I have done a quick video to share the idea. I am using some of my song but it tunrs out i have been listening a lot 'Cestovani' songs from you and would love to use a little of it in the video.

Can i use Cestovani for a background sound ?

Thank you blessings


Matteo 30.5.2018 11:11

Dear Ondrej,

On behalf of the Golden Beehive, Golden Drum & Eagle Condor Hummingbird organisations for Promoting Indigenous Cultures, we invite you to be our guest at the 9th annual Heart & Mind 2018 Festival which for the second time is in London, UK, on Sept 8th & 9th.

We are a group of non-profit organisations based across the UK, USA & Poland but also work under the umbrella of the international organisation M.A.I.S. (Mancomunidad de la América India Solar- Fellowship of the American Indian Solar Cultures).

The mission of Heart & Mind Festival is to create a platform for communication and to share the knowledge of sacred traditions of the world.

Among our guests and speakers we will have: traditional Elders, artists, psychologists, neurobiologists, ecologists.

Our goal is to bring together people of different traditions who work for the benefit of humanity. We are expecting 250-350 to attend this 2 day event.

We have confirmed guests including Mayan Elder and Activist Tata Pedro Garcia from Guatemala, Kevin Nathaniel from New York and Dream Seed, a shamanic sound healing collective from New York.

We will be absolutely honoured to have you join us, and share your sounds and wisdom with the people of London and all our tribes.

In terms of the budget and honorariums this event is a bit unusual as it is run by a community, for the (wider) community as a non-profit event; with a goal of exposing the leaders and elders within various traditions to people that otherwise might not have access to that knowledge and wisdom.

We offer to cover your expenses during the event. We also can offer to organise and promote a small event in London for you after the festival, any profit from it would be yours.

We very much hope that you would join us for this beautiful event.

The festival will be held in Waterloo, London.

You can watch videos from previous Festivals here:
This one includes a message from Maestro Manuel Rufino who had the vision of the Heart and Mind Festivals, which we organise with his guidance:

This is from our USA Heart and Mind Festival:

We look forward to hearing from you,

With Love & Thanks

Kira Goldy


Heart & Mind Organising Team

Kira Goldy/Heart and Mind Festival 8.5.2018 17:28

Hello thank you for your interest. Sorry for late reply...I was touring and still tour a lot, so sometimes I have such a delays… It is esentialy possible for next year. We can think of season 2019. This year I am super busy… But content of your welcoming letter sounds like good event... Looking forward.. Ondrej Smeykal

Milý Ondro,

Byť se držím zpátky od všech sociálních sítí a sdružení, tentokrát činím vyjímku a posílám Vám(Ti) dík za krásný zážitek ze sobotního vystoupení v Brně Semilasse. Úžasná hudba v Tvém podání, která pronikala buňkami jako léčivý elixír mě nabila a přenesla do dalších dimenzí. Nutno dodat, že ačkoliv jsme si vyměnili jen pozdrav a objetí při podpisu Tvého CD, hloubka Tvého nacítění v kombinaci s otevřeným srdcem ve mě zanechaly silný dojem. Takže ještě jednou díky:)

Ivana (to kudrnaté na začátku a na konci:))

Ivana 26.4.2018 18:24

Krásný den, přijal byste pozvání zahrát v Naději v Lužických horách ? Úplně náhodně jsem teď našla Vaše stránky a Vás a od pracovního stolu jsem odletěla k nám na chalupu na konec světa a už Vás tam slyším...Monika

Monika Elfmarková 13.4.2018 10:20