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Dobrý den, bylo by možné pozvat Ondřeje Smeykala k uspořádání koncertu v zahradě zámku v Litomyšli někdy v průběhu léta 2018 ? Jake by prosím byly podmínky ? Děkuji moc a těším se na odpověď. Mila Bohunická
mila bohunická
11.12.2017 08:46
Hello Ondrej, the reason why I m writing is to know where and how to do a workshop with you in the future. I m having a great and both hard time playing Didgeridoo cause, if on one side I have a deep feeling for the instrument, on the other i hardly find some didge music I really like, my own comprised :)
It happened that I witnessed a concert from you some time ago and finally felt like I had found a lighthouse, it was really a fulfilling experience. So first thanks for that, hehe, and then...will you upload a list of workshops you are going to give in 2018?
Lorenzo from Switzerland
Lorenzo Dal Re
6.12.2017 17:06
Ahoj Ondro,
rada bych si koupila vstupenky na koncert 8.12.2017 , prosím o zaslání odkazů, kde objednat, asi nás půjde více a tak prosím o info, jinak té moc zdravíme ahoj Vera a Slavek
Vera Cernochova
14.11.2017 07:26
Čau Ondro,
Ostravaci chtějí vzkřísit L2 v komorním aranžmá, dnes (5.9.) mi kvůli tomu volali. Ozvi se stran toho, bo myslím, že do toho máš co mluvit.
Můj tel. je kdyžtak totok:
+420 739 523 809
5.9.2017 23:01
Ondrej. I so enjoyed meeting you at Indijinus in Oregon, USA and look forward to some interviews with you for my book writing project. Until then...blessings on you and your incredible work.
Joe Arnold
22.8.2017 21:09
Hello Ondřej, I ve just discovered you and I think you are incredible, the way you play didjeridoo is fantastic, I ve never heard something similar before. Do you teach somewhere? Workshops or similar...maybe in Italy? Can I find informations somewhere? .....thank you for your music!!
Valeria Fabris
29.7.2017 10:58