
Výprava 2024 Praha

VÝPRAVA 24 (Sound Journey) - Charch of St.Jan Křtitel Na Prádle, Prague - 13.9.2024

The last wave of the Výprava. Blanka Křikavová's photo documentary closed this year's tour and she left us a nice photo memory. Thank you to all helpers, volunteers, all places, all visitors.

Photographer: Blanka a Martin Křikavovi

Výprava 24 - zámek Kozel

VÝPRAVA 24 (Sound Journey)- The castle Kozel - 6.9.2024

This place is one of our favorite, we are very happy to come back here. This year's expedition at Kozel Castle welcomed visitors not only with the sound of didgeridoo and giant gongs, but also the poetry of Ivo Hucl.

Photographer: Blanka a Martin Křikavovi

Výprava 24 Panenský Týnec

VÝPRAVA 24 (Sound Journey)- The temple in Panenský Týnec- 4.9.2024

A photo memory of the evening in Panenský Týnec 2024. Thanks to the lens of Blanka and Martin Křikavová, the VÝPRAVA to Týnec will never be forgotten. Join us as we move forward.
We look forward to a joint meeting and sound meditation at the other 7 locations of this year's VÝPRAVA!

Photographer: Blanka a Martin Křikavovi

PHK 2024

Traveling music club 2024 - Hradišťský vrch quarry near Konstantinovy Lázně - 26.-28.7.2024

Through the lens of Blanka Křikavová, we offer you a memory of this year's meeting in the Hradišťák quarry. The weather was kind to us. You don't even know how it feels when you clean up the event and everything is dry... thanks again to everyone who helped make the event happen and to everyone who supported the event by visiting. I can already invite you to the next meeting of PHK 25, which will take place at the same place, the last weekend in July, 25 - 27.7. 2025!

Look forward to new workshops and performers!

Photographer: Blanka Křikavová

Slunovratový koncert 2023

The Christmas concert of Ondrej Smeykal - Prague - Charch of Jan Křtitel - 21.12. 2023

This year I decided to organize a Christmas concert in a more intimate spirit. Although I like the ambient reverberation of larger halls, this year I preferred the chambers of the Church of Jan Křtitel, where I used to play.
Guests of the evening: Vladimír Václavek/guitar, vocals and Jan Kotulan/Bansuri Flute.
Photograf: Blanka Křikavová

Výprava 2023 - Bolfánek

VÝPRAVA 2023 - Kladruby, Zaječov, Bolfánek - 14. - 16. 9. 2023

With Blanka Křikavová's photo series, we say goodbye to this year's VÝPRAVA. Many thanks to everyone who participated in the preparation. We promise visitors that it was not the last. Bear Love promised to come next year. He even declared that our country is his second home. Let the memory of those wonderful joint evenings of VÝPRAVA 2023 breathe on you.

We are looking forward to VÝPRAVA 2024!

Photograf: Blanka Křikavová

The Wandering Music Club - Hradišťský vrch quarry near Konstantinovy Lázně - 4-6.8.2023

With Blanka Křikavová's photo series, we greet you all and send a memory of the recently held weekend meeting of PHK 23. This year's was perhaps even nicer than last year's. Although we had to face bad weather, the meeting kept its warm atmosphere. Thanks to all the performers, lecturers and volunteers, which totaled several dozen, it was possible to maintain lightness and delicacy. I hope that even those who did not participate will get a message from the photos.

Come enjoy next year with us.
I would also like to thank everyone who heard the call and went to the meeting even from the far corners of the republic and other countries. Let's be surprised where the Wandering Music Club will be located in 2024...

Photograf: Blanka Křikavová

Křest knihy Orel se vrací

Launch of the book "Orel se vrací" - The Theatre Kampa - 27.3.2023

The OREL has returned. The book, which is a free continuation of Romi Gray's literary debut with the participation of my illustrations, was nicely displayed. Thank you once again to all participants, donors, godparents and the Kampa Theatre. The meeting was gentle, almost family-like. Hopefully the atmosphere from the recording will breathe on you, and you will want to read the book, or order a picture, my illustration, for the pleasure of the eye.

Let Orel like you here with us... 

Photograf: Blanka Křikavová

PHK 2022

Traveling Music Club 2022 -the quarry near Konstantinovy Lázně - 5.-7.8.2022

The memory of the night starry sky, refreshing water and a lot of other fragments, making up the PHK 2022 stained glass window. Thank you from the bottom of my heart to everyone who helped make the quarry area hospitable for all participants.
Let's look forward to 2023!

Photographer:: Blanka Křikavová

Křest CD Didgeridoo 2022

Concert for the new CD - PRAGUE - 24. 5. 2022

Thank you to all the visitors of the evening in the historical hall of Novomestska radnice, 24.5. It was nice, peaceful. Just as I wished. The godfather of the new CD  was very nice, he spoke at the end, christened it... Also, thank you very much to all the helpers, friends, and the beautiful statues...
I look forward to the meeting, further dives into the sound of the one-tone instrument...

Photographer:: Blanka Křikavová

Vánoční koncert 2019 Novoměstská radnice

PRE-SOLSTICE CONCERT - PRAGUE - 14. and 15.12. 2019

Pre-solstice, Christmas concert featuring didgeridoo, gongs & various musical friends in a new location, that being the historical hall of Novomestska radnice...

Photographer:: Blanka Křikavová

Trio Malawurr

TRIO MALAWURR - July 12, 2019

TRIO MALAWURR danced, sang and played like home. I would like to thank everyone for their sincere joy they passed on to the audience ...

Photographer:: Blanka Křikavová

Hudba pro douglasku 2019


A few photos from the concert for giant Douglas fir - American garden in Chudenice.

Photographer:: Blanka Křikavová

Sváteční Pop 2019


After more than a year, on Saturday, February 23 Sváteční pop, the project of Petr Nikl, Milan Cais, Ondrej Smeykal and Jiri Hradil, came to the multicultural hall DOX+ in Prague. The genre crossing musician, artists and performers enjoyed themselves and performed another one of their unique shows.
Photographer:: Jan Slavík

Předvánoční koncert v Betlémské kapli 2018

The Betlehem Chapel

Pre-Christmas concert in the Betlehem Chapel - PRAGUE - December 21st 2018

Photographer: Blanka Křikavová

Lomeček 2018

DUO Smeykal/Planka 

Electro didgeridoo of Ondrej Smeykal and the drummer Pavel Plánka in the Lomeček.

Photographer: Blanka Křikavová

Sváteční Pop 2018

Sváteční Pop 2018 Archa Theatre-Prague 

After more than a year, on Monday 19nd of January has Sváteční pop, the project of Petr Nikl, Milan Cais, Ondrej Smeykal and Jiri Hradil, returned to the Archa theatre. The genre crossing musician, artists and performers enjoyed themselves and performed another one of their unique shows.

Photographer: Blanka Křikavová

Trojjediná Líheň

Líheň - Glassworks František Sázava 

A couple of shots from the Magic Líheň ... the connection of music, light, words and glass art !!!

Jaroslav Dušek - notation by voice
Ondřej Smeykal - painting by music
Petr Nikl - light telling

Photographer: Blanka Křikavová

Workshop unor 2015

Workshop for beginners, Prague, February 2015

Also in this year we are plannig several workshops in the Czech Republic and abroad. Immediatelly in February we have started by a weekend workshop for beginners. Thanks to big amount of candidates we have decided to repeat the WS in March. Now it seems, that the instrument has brokend through in Czech republic and people pay bigger attention to it, which pleases us a lot.

Photographer: Petr Mader

Sváteční pop - Leden 2015

Sváteční Pop - Archa Theatre, Prague, January 2015

After more than a year, on Thursday 22nd of January has Sváteční pop, the project of Petr Nikl, Milan Cais, Ondrej Smeykal and Jiri Hradil, returned to the Archa theatre. The genre crossing musician, artists and performers enjoyed themselves and performed another one of their unique shows.

Předvánoční tančírna

Pre-Christmas Organic dancing party - Prague, December 2014

The chamber premises of Studio Nuevo were alternated by the spacious venue of Baračnická Rychta, which many of you visited. Lots of dancers turned it into the right pre Christmas dancing party which is definitelly worth to be repeated. Thanks fot the great experience!

Photographer: Jiří Heller

Organická tančírna - PRAHA, listopad 2014

Organic dancing party - PRAGUE, November 2014

Dancing party is already a kicking event, but the pictures of it we present just now :) We were dancing in Prague in the Sokol Vinohrady, in a big hall, lots of space to move and it was all captured by our Zdeněk :)

Photographer: Zdenek Zrůst



Together with Pavlina Brzáková has Jaroslav Dušek prepared another book. The book is dedicated to his thoughts and ideas which crossed his mind when enduring his stay in darkness.

He asked Ondrej to "blow" the book well at the release party... 

Výroba nových nástrojů v kovárně, Znojmo 2014

Making of new instruments, Tasovice 2014

The best way how to get a satisfying instrument is to make it on your own. And therefore has Ondrej, Bear and Joe met in the furge of the blacksmith David Charvátek in Tasovice near Znojmo and not only new instruments were created but also another part of a film about Ondrej was shot by the british filmmaker Joe.

Photographer: Pavlína Prokůpková

Plzeň, Livingstone 2014

Livingstone club, Pilsen 2014

Electro didgeridoo in the Pilsen's club Livingstone, a dance party of Ondrej Smeykal and the drummer Pavel Plánka.

Photographer: Blanka Křikavová

Výprava 2014 - Znojmo, skála

The Journey 2014 - Znojmo, Bear's gig for friends on the rock

Znojmo traditionally belongs to the main pillars of the whole tour. This year, besides the classical concert, gong therapies and the below mentioned workshop, Znojmo hosted a unique gig for friends who have helped us in Znojmo for the whole time and the event was set up on a magnificent place on the rock above the town.

Photographer: Pavlína Prokůpková

Workshop A. Begay

The Journey 2014 - Workshop of Andrew Begay - making of the navajo flute

Thanks to the special guest of this year's tour, Andrew Begay, the workshop attendants had the oportunity to make their own navajo flute. Andrew was not only teaching the students how to play the flute, he was also telling stories from his own tribe which are associated to both to the flutes and the tribe on its own.

Photographer: Pavlína Prokůpková

Výprava 2014 - Kladruby

The Journey 2014 - Kladruby monastery

The Journey can not miss out the Kladruby monastery.

Photographer: Jiří Heller

Výprava 2014 - Křtiny

The Journey 2014 - Křtiny church

According to what Ondrej said about this gig it was the peak of this year's performing. The cocnert in the cathedral of Křtiny has been carried out within the already international festival "Didgeridoo v jeskyni"

Photographer: Jiří Heller

Vyprava 2014 - Potni chyse

The Journey 2014 - Andrew Begay's sweatlodge, Pacov

At this year's tour, besides many workshops and gong massages, thanks to our special guest Andrew Begay you could also join an antient (american-indian) Navaho ceremony called Sweatlodge. The perfect basecamp for this event was ensured by our beloved Jana Hrušková in Pacov. The participants didn't only sweat, but they also built the whole lodge on their own. From the responses we can say it was an unforgettable weekend.

Photographer: Blanka Křikavová

Výprava 2014 - Lomeček 2

The Journey 2014 - Lomeček

And Lomeček again :)

Photographer: Zdeněk Zrůst

Promo foto Výprava 2014

The Journey 2014 - PROMO FOTO

Where else to take better tour pictures but at Lomeček. And who else should have taken them but the only Zdeněk Zrůst. Thank you.

Photographer: Zdeněk Zrůst

Křest CD Oneness

The Journey 2014 - release party of the new album ONENESS, Vidov

The release of the common album of Ondrej Smeykal and Bear Love has taken place within the concert at the Vápenice quarry near Vidov. The last photo captures the moment of baptism which is carried out by Andrew Begay's breath in cooperation with the second album's godfather Jaroslav Dušek. 


Znojmo - hrani pro tehotne

Andrew Begay played for pregnant women in Znojmo

During the longer stop in Znojmo had Andrew Begay, the special host of this year's The Journey tour, the opportunity to play to pregnant women at the family centre Maceška.

Photographer: Dagmar Entlerová

Výprava 2014 - Pacov

The initial concert of The JOURNEY tour 2014 at the festival Pacovsky polednik

NThe Sunday part of the festival was devoted to the The Journey ensemble. The visitors could attend the lecture of Andrew Begay, a Navajo indian, and also have a look on his traditional flutes collection with whose he joined this year's tour as a special guest. One more musician enriched the trio for that evening - the percussionist Pavel Plánka.
Photographer: Křikavovi spouses

Betlémská kaple 2013

The release party of the new Singing Didgeridoo album, Prague 2013

Further load of photos from the unforgetable, sound filled evening in the Bethlehem chapel

Zjevování - Novoměstská radnice 2013

"Revealing" - live didgeridoo / live painting, Novomestska townhall 2013

An initial evening of the new project of Ondrej Smeykal and Patrik Habl called "Revealing". A magical eve filled with music and shapes, colours... a range of mingled universes, new dimensions... Fantasy was given a huge christmas present.
Photographers: Pavel Matoušek, Josef Málek

Křest Betlémská kaple

The release party of the new Singing Didgeridoo album, Prague 2013

A sold-out pre-Christmas concert with many special guests thrrough the lens of Jiri Heller's cam
Photographer: Jiří Heller

Nahrávání nové desky, studio Faust 2013

Recording of the fourth solo album in the Prague's studio Faust

Images from the recording of the new solo album of Ondrej Smeykal in the Faust studios in Prague. The album comes out in December 2013. 
Photographer: Zdeněk Zrůst

Jičín 2013

Didgeridoo Solo - Summer tour 2013, JIČÍN

Three amazing pictures from a place beautiful by its impefection. Waldstejn's lodge, live cultural spot in city of Jičín.
Photographer: Martin Vosáhlo

Výprava 2013 - Pacov

Vyprava 2013 - Pacov, September 2013

Photos from the rehearsals in Pacov castle's baroque chappel - a space with a unique accoustics and genius loci.
Photographer: Zdeněk Zrůst

Výprava 2013 - Bohumín

Vyprava 2013 - Bohumin, September 2013

Vyprava is not only an audio performance, as you can see from the photos taken during the concert in Bohumin's church, it is also a visual performance.
Photographer: Petr Piechowicz

Výprava 2013 - Lomeček

Vyprava 2013 - Lomecek, September 2013

Lomecek, a unique place in the western Bohemia where you are able to play "on the water". An evening gig took place within the first year of a land art festival "reMIND". 
Photographer: Zdeněk Zrůst

Výprava 2013 - Kladruby

Vyprava 2013 - Kladruby monastery, September 2013

The atmosphere captured before the concert in the Kladruby monastery which was also designed by such architects as Jan Blazej Santini or Kilian Ignac Dientzenhofer.
Photographer: Jiří Heller

Pacovský Poledník 2013

Vyprava 2013 - Pacovsky Polednik, August 2013

Ondrej Smeykal and Bear Love during the gig in a baroque chappel in Pacov.
Photographer: Jindřich Čermák

Gongova terapie Pacov 2013

Giant gong therapy, Pacov 2013

First photos from the Vyprava 2013 tour and its indivisible part - a therapy by giant golden gong by Bear Love
Photographer: Dan Čada

Workshop Lomecek 2013

Workshop LOMEČEK, August 2013

This workshop in Lomecek near Mrakov was devoted to all those players who wanted to develop their rhythm feeling. Drummer Pavel Planka was also lecturing. The two teachers performed a common concert on Saturday night, accompanied by VJ Ondrej Sevcik. 
Photograpeher: Zdeněk Zrůst


Pre-listening party in Final club, July 2013

A few friends and fans had the chance to hear the freshly finished album Black & Red in the art music club Final in Prague.
Photographer: Edita Hornová


Black & Red album final mixing, July 2013

Photos from the studio Faust Records in Prague, Czech republic
Photographer: Edita Hornová


Didgeridoo Solo - Summer tour 2013 - HARTMANICE

Photos takes in the synagogue in Hartmanice during one of the concerts of the Summer tour 2013
Photographer: Blanka Křikavová

Workshop KOKOŘÍNSKO 2013

Workshop at KOKOŘÍN, April 2013

Photos from the weekend workshop for beginners in Osinalice.
Photographer: Jiří Heller



Promopictures of the project CRYSTAL Didgeridoo
Photographer: Aleš Otýpka

DUO Smeykal Planka, Lomeček, Anděl 2012

DUO Ondřej Smeykal / Pavel Plánka

Photos from a gig in Lomeček, CZE, August 2012
Photos from a gig in café Anděl, Pilsen, CZE, 2012

Ondřej Smeykal

Ondřej Smeykal - Didgeridoo Solo - USA, 2009

USA tour photos, 2009
Photographer: William Thoren

Ondrej a Bear na Vyšehradě 2012

Bear Love and Ondřej Smeykal 2012

Common concert in the Gorlice hall at Vyšehradě, autumn 2012
Photographer: Jan William Drnek

Workshop, Oregon, USA, 2011

Workshop - Oregon, USA, 2011

Photos from the workshop in Oregonu at Chad Butler.
Photographer: William Thoren