Vaše vzkazy / Your messages
Dear Ondrej,
Pamela is right, your concert was absoltely an outstanding experience pushing limits of this instrument far behind I thought that was possible!
Your followowing workshop in Montreux as well, describing all the body parts interaction within the playings was really interesting.
I ve been playing didjeridu for over almost 20 years and I really felt like a kid learning his first words!
So just just two words:
Thank you and keep it doing magical!
23.1.2017 17:11
Dear ondrej
Your music yesterday night was an outstanding experience for me. Your singing in the didg. Touched me very very deep. I m a singer and thevoice is the most magic instrument for me..
Your tender and celestial voice with this deep sound of mothers didg.breath... i don t know how to express in words.. i will have to sing it...just outstanding, uprising...!
Thank you so much! Thank you for your being and leading us to ourselves, where we actually always were...
Love and big hug, pamela
22.1.2017 09:51
Ahoj Ondro minuly rok jsem u tebe absolvoval kurz pro začátečníky a chtěl bych zkusit kurz pro pokročilé ale nenašel jsem nic o tom kdy se bude letos konat dík
16.1.2017 13:29
Ahoj Ondro, chtěl jsem se zeptat, jestli letos budeš pořádat nějaký workshop pro pokročilé ? S pár lidma jsme se už domlouvali, že pokud ano, tak se rádi zúčastníme. Jinak Betlémská kaple byla opět moc fajn, děkuji za krásnou atmosféru. Měj se moc fajn a ať to troubí :-) Ahoj Vláďa
Vláďa Čížek
13.1.2017 21:46
Hi,Odrej...I`m a good friend of Edita Hornova and from her I know,that a couple of years back,you were recording with Jaz for an Album Black & Red...did it ever saw the light of the day? If so,where can I get it?
Ralle aka Mr.Punch
oh,and a happy succsesful 2017!
31.12.2016 19:20
Hi Ondrej
Your workshop at the Swizzeridoo helped me a lot! Thank you very much indeed. If you ever organise another workshop or didge weekend, please let me know.
Merry Xmas, a happy New Year and all the best to you and yours,
Dany Vogel
18.12.2016 20:01